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Collectibles -> Paper -> Menus - page 4
Cliff House Restaurant- San Fran- Menu 7/27/65
Cliff House Restaurant- San Fran- Menu 7/27/65 $ 15.00
Clinton Inn, Tenafly N.J.- Vintage Menu 9/16/72
Clinton Inn, Tenafly N.J.- Vintage Menu 9/16/72 $ 15.00
Clock Family Restaurants Menu- Full Service Listings
Clock Family Restaurants Menu- Full Service Listings $ 15.00
Coach House Restau. NYC Vintage Menu of 6/16/64
Coach House Restau. NYC Vintage Menu of 6/16/64 $ 15.00
Cocktail Lounge in Lord Baltimore Hotel, Bltm.MD 1944!
Cocktail Lounge in Lord Baltimore Hotel, Bltm.MD 1944! $ 15.00
Colligan's Stockton Inn, NJ. -Vint. Menu 10/18/69
Colligan's Stockton Inn, NJ. -Vint. Menu 10/18/69 $ 15.00
Columbia Spanish Restaurants- Lunch/Dinner Menu
Columbia Spanish Restaurants- Lunch/Dinner Menu $ 15.00
Copperfield's Restaurant Menu Folder- Red (Folder Only)
Copperfield's Restaurant Menu Folder- Red (Folder Only) $ 15.00
Country Pride Restaurant 1970's Full Service Menu
Country Pride Restaurant 1970's Full Service Menu $ 15.00
Creighton's International Restaurant Menu 1950's
Creighton's International Restaurant Menu 1950's $ 20.00
Crescent House Restau. Vintage menu 7/1968 Japanese
Crescent House Restau. Vintage menu 7/1968 Japanese $ 15.00
Critic's Restaurant 1960's Menu- Full Service Selection
Critic's Restaurant 1960's Menu- Full Service Selection $ 15.00
Cunard Cruise Lines R.M.S. Queen Mary- Set of 7 Menus
Cunard Cruise Lines R.M.S. Queen Mary- Set of 7 Menus $ 25.00
Davy Jones Seafood Restaurant-Dinner Menu- NYC
Davy Jones Seafood Restaurant-Dinner Menu- NYC $ 15.00
Denmark Pavilion Restaurant- Vintage Menu
Denmark Pavilion Restaurant- Vintage Menu $ 15.00
Denny's Restaurant 1960's Food Service Menu- All Day
Denny's Restaurant 1960's Food Service Menu- All Day $ 15.00
Dinty Moore's Restaurant Menu 1958 Blawnox, Pa.
Dinty Moore's Restaurant Menu 1958 Blawnox, Pa. $ 15.00
Dodge City Meating House 1960s Great Menu
Dodge City Meating House 1960s Great Menu $ 15.00
Domeliner Train Service 1961 Dinner Menu-Union Pacific
Domeliner Train Service 1961 Dinner Menu-Union Pacific $ 15.00
Dominguez Cafe in Juarez Mexico! from 1950's
Dominguez Cafe in Juarez Mexico! from 1950's $ 15.00
Don The Beachcomber 1941 Hollywood, Ca.- Menu
Don The Beachcomber 1941 Hollywood, Ca.- Menu $ 15.00

Items 64 - 84 of 350 total (21 per page) - [Show: all 10 25 50 100 250 500 1000 items per page]
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