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Collectibles -> Paper -> Menus
Colligan's Stockton Inn, NJ. -Vint. Menu 10/18/69
(click to enlarge)

colligan's stockton inn, stockton, new jersey, menu of 10/18/69. menu cover has a drawing picture of the inn along with information about the inn, being established in 1832. the back cover is a handdrawn picture of the roads in the area all leading to new jersey. the interior menu is a paper replaceable menu with pricing circa 1969, along with special today insert, quail and partridge for 6.25. the menu is in overall very good condition.

$ 15.00
Item # : 139037 Box # : 988887
Shipping From: 1018 5th Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Shipping Policy: See item description
Payments Accepted via: See Item Description

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