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Collectibles -> Paper -> Ephemera -> 1960-Now - page 1
1880 Billhead Bought of C.Bergmann,St.Louis
1880 Billhead Bought of C.Bergmann,St.Louis $ 5.00
1883 Billhead GEO. O. Hart & Son
1883 Billhead GEO. O. Hart & Son $ 5.00
1884 Billhead John Childs Engines & Machinery
1884 Billhead John Childs Engines & Machinery $ 5.00
1884 Billhead Scott,Steven & Co. Laducah,Ky
1884 Billhead Scott,Steven & Co. Laducah,Ky $ 5.00
1885 Billhead Dunlap Bros. & Co.Louisville,Ky
1885 Billhead Dunlap Bros. & Co.Louisville,Ky $ 5.00
1886 Billhead J & S. B. Sachs Boots & Shoes
1886 Billhead J & S. B. Sachs Boots & Shoes $ 5.00
1890 Billhead C.W.Roberts Drug Medicines
1890 Billhead C.W.Roberts Drug Medicines $ 5.00
1892 Billhead Artherolt & Co.Glass/Silverware
1892 Billhead Artherolt & Co.Glass/Silverware $ 5.00
1892 Billhead Bovard Rose & Co. Pittsburgh,PA
1892 Billhead Bovard Rose & Co. Pittsburgh,PA $ 5.00
1892 Billhead Iron City Elevator & Machine
1892 Billhead Iron City Elevator & Machine $ 5.00

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