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Collectibles -> Advertising -> Gas & Oil -> Other Gas & Oil Collectibles
The Whys And Hows Of Diesel Engines by CATERPILLAR The Whys And Hows Of Diesel Engines by CATERPILLAR

c1930 4" x 9" The Whys And Hows Of Diesel Engines by CATERPILLAR Pamphlet.


  • Why The Diesel?
  • How does the Diesel Run?
  • How are "Caterpillar" developments multiplying world demand for Diesels?
  • How do the tracks "Hatness" "Caterpillar" Diesel Economy to the Job? and more information with small photos. Has soiling and browning of paper. Overall Good Condition! 13 pages!
    $ 15.00
    Item # : 124124
    Box # : 6663
    Shipping From: Pittsburgh, PA 15219
    Shipping Policy: See item description
    Payments Accepted via: See Item Description
  • This product is from the website of one of our vendors.
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