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Collectibles -> Paper -> Calendars -> 1940-59 - page 3
Pennsylvania Railroad 1959 Wallet Calendar w/Photo
Pennsylvania Railroad 1959 Wallet Calendar w/Photo $ 15.00
Pinup Models Desk Calendar 1945 w/ Original Box
Pinup Models Desk Calendar 1945 w/ Original Box $ 125.00
Pocket Calendar of Memory for 1947- Promotion
Pocket Calendar of Memory for 1947- Promotion $ 15.00
Potomac Edison System 1942-1943 Pocket Calendars
Potomac Edison System 1942-1943 Pocket Calendars $ 15.00
The Anchor Packing Company 1941 Wall Calendar
The Anchor Packing Company 1941 Wall Calendar $ 50.00
The Charleston Almanac and Register for 1946
The Charleston Almanac and Register for 1946 $ 15.00
The Jewish Art Wall Calendar 1953 w/Scriptural Readings
The Jewish Art Wall Calendar 1953 w/Scriptural Readings $ 25.00
The Soviet Calendar 1944 Published in Moscow, USSR
The Soviet Calendar 1944 Published in Moscow, USSR $ 150.00
The Ushers 12/1947 Astrological Forecast/Life Events
The Ushers 12/1947 Astrological Forecast/Life Events $ 15.00
United S. Steel- American Bridge 1951/1953 Yearbooks
United S. Steel- American Bridge 1951/1953 Yearbooks $ 15.00
United States Steel American Bridge- 1948 Yearbook
United States Steel American Bridge- 1948 Yearbook $ 15.00
Wall Calendar 1940 Tear Off Month w/ 3 Month View
Wall Calendar 1940 Tear Off Month w/ 3 Month View $ 15.00
Wall Calendar 1941 with Tear Off Months-3 Month View
Wall Calendar 1941 with Tear Off Months-3 Month View $ 15.00
Wall Calendar 1941- Allen Bradley Company
Wall Calendar 1941- Allen Bradley Company $ 15.00
Wall Calendar 1943 with Tear Off Months- 3 month view
Wall Calendar 1943 with Tear Off Months- 3 month view $ 15.00
Wall Calendar 1944 with Christmas Theme Display
Wall Calendar 1944 with Christmas Theme Display $ 15.00
Wall Calendar 1945- Insurance Broker-Morgantown
Wall Calendar 1945- Insurance Broker-Morgantown $ 15.00
Wall Calendar 1955- Advertising-Eagle Drug Store
Wall Calendar 1955- Advertising-Eagle Drug Store $ 15.00
Wall Calendar for 1956- Religious Prayers & Devotions
Wall Calendar for 1956- Religious Prayers & Devotions $ 15.00
Wall Calendar with Photo of Marilyn Monroe, in lace
Wall Calendar with Photo of Marilyn Monroe, in lace $ 25.00
Wall Calendar with tear off months- 3 month view
Wall Calendar with tear off months- 3 month view $ 15.00

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