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Collectibles -> Historical Memorabilia -> Teaching & Education -> Colleges & Universities - page 13
The Courier-Georgetown Univ.4/24/53 Soviet Style
The Courier-Georgetown Univ.4/24/53 Soviet Style $ 15.00
The Courier-Georgetown Univ.5/21/54 John Dulles
The Courier-Georgetown Univ.5/21/54 John Dulles $ 15.00
The Foreign Service Courier 10/30/1953 World Leaders
The Foreign Service Courier 10/30/1953 World Leaders $ 15.00
The Free Press Pittsburgh University,1972,Cartoons,Hemp
The Free Press Pittsburgh University,1972,Cartoons,Hemp $ 15.00
The Hatchet, Washington Univ. St.Louis Yearbook 1941
The Hatchet, Washington Univ. St.Louis Yearbook 1941 $ 15.00
The Inter-Collegiate Ball- 1931 Pittsburgh, Wm. Penn
The Inter-Collegiate Ball- 1931 Pittsburgh, Wm. Penn $ 15.00
The Packer Collegiate Institute 1888 Catalog/Teachers
The Packer Collegiate Institute 1888 Catalog/Teachers $ 25.00
The Pittsburgh Academy Catalog 1937- Course Listing
The Pittsburgh Academy Catalog 1937- Course Listing $ 15.00
Thermal Pollution Research Report 1/1968 V. Salkind
Thermal Pollution Research Report 1/1968 V. Salkind $ 20.00
Theta Phi Alpha Fraternity Newsletter 3/1934 "Compass"
Theta Phi Alpha Fraternity Newsletter 3/1934 "Compass" $ 15.00
Thiel College 1978 Student Financial Aid Statement
Thiel College 1978 Student Financial Aid Statement $ 15.00
Tri-State College Angola,IND. December,1933 Bulletin
Tri-State College Angola,IND. December,1933 Bulletin $ 15.00
Tufts vs. Bates- 10/1950 College Football Program
Tufts vs. Bates- 10/1950 College Football Program $ 15.00
U.S, Naval Academy 1957 Farewell Ball Booklet
U.S, Naval Academy 1957 Farewell Ball Booklet $ 15.00
U.S. Naval Academy 1956 June Week Program
U.S. Naval Academy 1956 June Week Program $ 15.00
U.S. Naval Academy 1957 Baccalaureate Sunday
U.S. Naval Academy 1957 Baccalaureate Sunday $ 15.00
U.S. Naval Academy 1957 Event Admission Tickets(3)
U.S. Naval Academy 1957 Event Admission Tickets(3) $ 15.00
U.S. Naval Academy 1957 Farewell Ball/Graduation
U.S. Naval Academy 1957 Farewell Ball/Graduation $ 15.00
U.S. Naval Academy 1957 Ring Dance Invitation
U.S. Naval Academy 1957 Ring Dance Invitation $ 15.00
U.S. Naval Academy 1957 Ring Dance Invitation Book
U.S. Naval Academy 1957 Ring Dance Invitation Book $ 15.00
U.S. Naval Academy Easter Hop Program Booklet
U.S. Naval Academy Easter Hop Program Booklet $ 15.00

Items 253 - 273 of 362 total (21 per page) - [Show: all 10 25 50 100 250 500 1000 items per page]
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