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Collectibles -> Paper -> Newspapers -> 1970-Now - page 1
Bermuda Weekly 8/1971 Continuous Entertainment
Bermuda Weekly 8/1971 Continuous Entertainment $ 15.00
Brookline Journal Newspaper 11/9/78 Veteran's Day
Brookline Journal Newspaper 11/9/78 Veteran's Day $ 15.00
Carnegie Mellon University Campus Newspaper 1/19/88
Carnegie Mellon University Campus Newspaper 1/19/88 $ 15.00
Cavalair News 9/1967 First Air Cavalry Division
Cavalair News 9/1967 First Air Cavalry Division $ 15.00
Chicago Sunday Tribune,6/22/19,Grace D.Banker
Chicago Sunday Tribune,6/22/19,Grace D.Banker $ 15.00
Common Sense Magazine 11/15/1971 Anti Communist
Common Sense Magazine 11/15/1971 Anti Communist $ 30.00
Daily News 8/17/1971 STOCKS SOAR  1-DAY RECORD
Daily News 8/17/1971 STOCKS SOAR 1-DAY RECORD $ 15.00
Denver Post-8/9/74 Ford Assumes Pres as Nixon Resigns!
Denver Post-8/9/74 Ford Assumes Pres as Nixon Resigns! $ 15.00
Elvis the Untold Story- National Enquirer 9/6/1977
Elvis the Untold Story- National Enquirer 9/6/1977 $ 15.00
Football 1980 Pittsburgh Newspaper Supplement
Football 1980 Pittsburgh Newspaper Supplement $ 15.00

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